Happiness consists in realizing it is all a great strange dream.  -- kerouac

Do you know that feeling of laying in the sand with your eyes closed, warm in the sun? Can't you feel it just thinking about it? It was August. We were at the coast. Racing up and down the dunes of my childhood.
The day was perfect. I looked over and saw my daughter laying in the sand. Arms folded over her little body. Eyes closed. Feeling that feeling. And I wanted to save it forever.

So I snapped it with my iPhone. Even though I had my real camera around my neck. Sometimes I feel like my iPhone sees things differently. It's hard to put my finger on. But sometimes I just see with my iPhone. And it turns out it's one of my favorite images from our summer.
They say that the best camera is the one you have on you.  In my case, that often happens to be the Camera+ app on my iPhone. It's sharper and has better tones than the regular iPhone camera. I edit all my iPhone images with VSCO Cam. My best advice would be to start with those two apps and whenever you glance over and see that feeling being felt, snap it.  xo
You can see more of Kati Dimoff's iphone photography over on her vsco grid.